Francois Juranville?

It’s probably a little late in the season to be inquiring but I would be grateful to hear from anyone who has Francois Juranville and can spare some pollen for freezing for next year. I don’t have room to grow it myself - it’s a big, big plant - but I would like to work with the pollen because it reportedly is a source of genes for strong yellow pigments not originating with Soleil d’Or.

Hi Don,

I don’t have Francois Juranville, but I do have Paul Transon. Would that be of any use to you?


Hi Paul,

I do have Paul Transon. Would that be of any use to you?

What an interesting rose - R. wichuraiana x L’Id

Well I finally looked Paul Transon up after you recommended it Paul. It is just a little too big for me to grow right now. I only have so much room for anything of any size. I have a few plants I am getting rid of this year but this will give me only so much space. I will have to write down its name however for the future. I will also have to write down Paul No

I successfully grew FJ quite managable tied up a 2m high post.

It is a fertile mother with germinating enough seeds.

It is among those “wichuraiana ramblers” that some attribute to Rosa luciae with less wich foliage: larger longer more red and not as glossy leaves as most wich seedlings and red-bronze stems.