First Germinations?

I agree! For disease resistance, I’m wondering what could come from crossing it with Pink Petticoat? If it helps give you some ideas, look at Most Unusual Day. Not terribly disease resistant, but interesting for the flower and what made it. Kim



Very dramatic coloring on ‘Most Unusual Day’. It’s a shame it’s not disease resistant. I like your idea of using ‘Pink Petticoat’ with ‘Show n Tell’. That might produces some nice colors. I’m pretty sure that one cutting of the cuttings of PP that you sent me may be rooting so I should have her to use next season. Same think for ‘Show n Tell’…one cane rooting as far as I can tell. Thank again you for these ST seeds!


You’re welcome! Why not? (no, not the mini!) I hate throwing them away, and you know how many op hips you find each year. I’m glad they’re rooting for you. Imagine Sweet Nothings with Show’n’Tell… I know, five petals, pink, no fragrance…Kim

But since receiving Sweet Nothings from you this season I’ve grown to love it. Sure single but nice color and great fragrance. It does get BS but tolerates it well. I plan on using SN a lot next season…def with Softee. :slight_smile:

If it tolerates BS well there as a new, young plant, imagine what it will build into. How do you think that would work with the Knock Outs and better resistant Bucks? Kim

Sounds like a neat cross, Joan.

I’m up to around 100 seedlings potted up in individual pots so far - the ones I’m most interested in seeing blooms on are Fabulous! x Brass Band and two odd crosses, Fabulous! x Bees Knees, and [Loving Touch x (Fabulous! x Paul Ecke, Jr)]. Most of my Paul Ecke crosses from last year were not healthy, so I’m not expecting much but Fabulous! and Loving Touch are both very healthy plants so we’ll see.

Is Most Unusual Day available to purchase anywhere?


I’ll be using it with Knock Out, Double Knock Out, Cape Diamond, Carlin’s Rhythm, Carefree Marvel, Carefree Beauty, Quadra, Illusion, Paprika, Peachy Cream, Ruglauca, Rugelda, Royal Edward, Jim Lounsbery and Keith’s Delight to name several. Then I have several minis to cross it with too. Can’t wait for spring!


I emailed you, Rob, to see if it is too early for you to receive cuttings of Centre Stage and Open Arms.

Most Unusual Day is probably only available as cuttings from someone’s garden these days. Paul is the last to have it I know of, unless he’s gotten rid of it already. Kim


Sent you a reply.


Thanks Kim

So, does anyone have “Most Unusual Day” and can share some cuttings, please?

I no longer have it Judith, but I know someone who is listed on HMF as growing it. I sent him the link to this thread and asked him if his plant was able and if he would be willing. I’ll let you know what I can find out. He’s a very nice guy and is probably rather tired after their auction yesterday. Kim

Judith, I have located Most Unusual Day for you. The gentleman who grows it is very interested in making contact with you and would love some cuttings from your garden for their auction next year. I’ve tried going through both HMF and your web site, but HMF won’t contact you and your site isn’t coming up for me right now. Please email me at roseseek at america on line dot com. I’ll put you and John together and we can get more of these neat things spread around! Thanks. Kim

Hi Judith, your site finally came up. I’ve forwarded John’s email to you so you can get together. I know John has quite a rose collection, so you’ll both have to trade lots of things to make them more readily available. Enjoy! Kim

Thanks so much, Kim.

You’re most welcome, Judith. I’m glad I could find it and put the two of you together. With a bit more of that kind of finagling, there should be very few things we want and can’t get. Glad it all worked out. Kim