fertility of Seven Sisters

Much to my disappointment when I openned the first flower to fint that it is entirely without malle parts. There were a few stigma so I pollenated them them. Has anyone had luck with this plant a a female?

I haven’t make purposeful crosses onto it, but collected some op hips from it last fall from someone’s plant. There wasn’t many op hips and each had one or two seeds. They germinated well. I got about 7 plants I think- all one time bloomers. They are planted out in my garden now. Maybe it would be a better female if it was purposefully pollinated??? I’d love to learn your results.



It may also depend on what you have going by the name of Seven Sisters.

In my part of the world, roses people call “Seven Sisters” include the different roses:

R. multiflora platyphylla (that matches Redoute’s illustration)

Dorothy Perkins

A red ?floribunda from Alabama

A nearly mauve once bloomer


I’ve even been told that roses that make sprays of seven blooms or roses that fade from pink to white are seven sisters because that’s the name that came with the rose was passed along.

If Johannes Seven Sisters is platyphylla, and I think mine is platyphylla, he needs to look at the sides of some of the inner petals/petaloids for pollen along the edges.

In 2005 and 2006 I used Seven Sisters (R. multiflora platyphylla) and found it set hips when pollinated. (Mine does not set OP hips well.

Out of the 2005 crosses I am keeping one to use for further breeding. It looks very similar to it’s pollen parent, Heritage, but more double and more winter hardy. Disease resistance is good. I’ve crossed this one this year and so far the hips have held.

All of the 2005 crosses have been once bloomers

None of the 2006 crosses have yet bloomed.