Some of you might have seen the latest newsletter of the Houston Rose Society where the following was posted - “Note: The quarterly publications (Exhibitor’s Forum, Rose Hybridizers’ Bulletin, etc) in hardcopy will be phased out on December 31, 2008, and will thereafter be available only by e-copy. But after that date they will be free to all ARS members by checking into the Members Only section of the ARS website, (The username and password is in the American Rose magazine.)”
What was written is true for all of the ARS quarterly bulletins; however, the RHA bulletin or newsletter is NOT one of those! As you know, the RHA is a separate, distinct organization sharing only the commonality of a meeting date with the ARS at the conventions. We are contemplating an e-mail version of our newsletter, but there will always be hard copy available to those that desire it, and it will not be free! Our membership dues of $10/year include the newsletters. The benefit of the e-version will be that there will be a lot more color than just the front cover.
We will have more about the e-version in our fall newsletter.
John Moe
General Director, RHA