Easlea's Golden Rambler

I was sorting photos and came across these of Easlea’s Golden Rambler taken at Elizabeth Park last spring.



Easlea’s is a wichuraiana rambler but it’s canes are more stiff and its flowers much larger than this would imply. It is also a very large plant - the first photo was taken by holding the camera over my head while standing on my toes.

I’ve got a few hips from its pollen including one each on Persian Sunset, Happiness, Joycie and Royal Highness.

How disease resistant is it?

I can’t say much about disease resistance because the park sprays but it seems to be better than most in that context.

Very beautiful Don!

Jim Sproul

Don - Here in blackspot heaven, EGR is more resistant to bs than New Dawn. To me it is a great rose. Anyone creating anything close in a repeat form would have a sure winner. Good luck. Best, Nick

I forgot to add that it remained well foliated throughout the summer without spraying in the DC area which is pretty remarkable. Nick