Cool sport

From Joan Monteith I received a seedling of what possibly is a Westerland x (R. glauca x Golden Chersonese) seedling. The seedling is a nice solid orange pink blend, semi double, nice scent and repeat blooming. Joan applied the glauca x GC pollen to Westerland but got poor hip set and only a few seeds in the hips that did set. This is a seedling from that cross. Here are pics of a sport that is more orange with yellow splashes of color on both sides of each petal. I don’t know if this is a stable sport yet or not. The scent is very strong and pleasant.

fully open

Wow, looks like fire! Very nice!

Yes, looks like something new! Hopefully it’s not a weahter or insect damage fluke…


Hi Rob Byrnes:

That would sure make a splash in any garden. Any guesses yet on disease resistance?

Bob of New Orleans currently in N.C.


So far it has good disease resistance. No mildew and minor BS.


Wow! Very, very nice rose! Hopefully there will be more of her soon!


Thankss Fara. I hope so too. The orginal colored flower bloomed over the weekend but I was away and couldn’t get a good picture.