'Champlain', anyone?

Have any of you done any work with ‘Champlain’ as either seed or pollen parent. I’d like to hear about your results. Thanks!


Mine likes to abort a lot. I don’t really care to try to use it any further – not worth my time.

Personally, of the Canadian kordesii types, I would probably use Ramblin Red if can pass on mildew resistance.

This past year was the first time I used Champlain. I used it as the seed parent with John Cabot, Therese Bugnet and an (R.arkansana OP) OP as the pollen parents. The Therese Bugnet attempts failed, but I got 4 and 7 seeds/hip with John Cabot and (R.arkansana OP)OP pollen. I had between 25% and 28% germination rate from them. The seedlings are still fairly small and I just planted them outside so I can

great pollen parent, have not really tried it as a seed parent. I used it on Prairie Harvest last year and the first seedling bloomed last week. I’ll have a better sense of its usefulness later on in the summer.


Thanks, this is about what I expected to hear, RE: pollen being better.

Thank you,
