Carefree Beauty x PJPII

Loose and floppy like CB. Nicely fragrant. Good disease resistance.

…and another CB seedling with frilled petals just for good measure…

Very nice looking flowers. What is PJPII?

Pope John Paul the Second


Thanks Adam. I find it curious that it inherited the sweet fragrance from CB, but stronger, with just only a hint of citrus.


Jim, I have been really impressed with PJP II in my garden. ONe item that I really like about this rose is that the western flower thrips doesn’t seem to bother it. However, Crystalline right next to it is a thrip magnate in my garden.

I will be using PJP II as a pollen parent next Spring.

lol… Crystalline. Its the best and the worst about modern large-flower bush roses all rolled into one. I loved and hated that rose at the same time. Cold tender - bloom spotting - can breakage from weight - massive mildew - blackspot… tons of blooms - cool looking foliage (when not white) – blooms last forever and smell good – good height/branching … ugh. I grew its lavander sport once but it rejected its grafted!!! It literally seperated from its graft, lol. PJPII is definitely superior. Its one of the better HTs. If I recall, it has an extremely sharp lemon scent.

Very beautiful seedling Jon. Could any of the fragrance be coming from PJPII? It has got to be the strongest smelling rose that I know of as Jadae stated it does have a citrusy lemon to it.

Yeah, I should have worded that better. Qualitatively the fragrance leans towards CB, Quantitatively it leans towards PJPII. As an amateur/hobbyist, I’m still surprised and learning from these type genetic quirks.

Was it you that has some (striped)PJPII seedlings as well? Did yours pick up the lemon scent or do they smell markedly different than PJPII in character?

Hi Jon,

Yes I have a few seedlings from PJPII but only one of them has that remarkable lemony scent that PJPII has.

Jeanie, if that were mine I think I would have to attempt to cross it with Flirtatious to keep the fragrance, muted stripes, and that wonderful cream color. I wonder if one could get two layers of stripes (muted and dominant) from a cross like that?

Im assuming that the rose would have to be phototropic or some such to get that effect? I never even thought about it before. I assume that a rose would be a static tone without something else altering it (like phototropism). I once grew a rose called Freedom’s Ring. It was a hybrid between Paradise and one of the striped minis. It was this really dwarf climber that had small clusters of HT-like blooms. The blooms were this odd pastel, dusky lavander-pink with some really vivid and dark red stripes. The color was pretty cool because of the contrast. I can only assume that PAradise aided in this effect but I really do not know for 100% sure.

Flirtatious is from Sun Flare if I recall, which has a tendency to produce pastels.

just out of curiosity, have the ‘authorities’ been notified of the steganography being employed on this board? If not I think someone should report it.

IDK. I began to ignore it because I am so used to it from online gaming. Its really disruptive to normal social cycles but its hard to expect anyone that has moderation over this forum to be superman. So, I ignore it.

It’s not just simple spamming. Definitely encrypted messaging.

There you go. I thought it was a monkey.

The spam was posted from Russia, and the “encrypted messaging” appears to be Russian text. It’s hard to know for certain because the forum software doesn’t really handle the Cyrillic alphabet. If you see something suspicious on the forum, please contact me immediately.