Thoughts incoming. A lot of the world’s food is grown in California, and the drought there is getting intense. It’s a serious problem.
The best solution would seem to be to design and build better desalination plants. There are a lot of clever people in Cali., so if the governor were to make a contest for the best new desal plant design, there is a good chance a breakthrough new design would come forth. My thought is, since water evaporates easily with lower air pressure, I would suggest using windmills to pump out air from above a sealed, clear, domed structure. Solar reflectors on either side to bounce light back and forth across the surface of the water, where the evaporation takes place, to heat and excite the water molecules. A mirror placed 1-2 centimeters below the surface of the water to maximize the photon- surface water layer interaction. The windmills then pump the water vapor to an adjacent insulated structure for condensation. The entire structure floats, so whether the tide is in or out, it is always right at the water’s surface. Low cost fresh water. The thought works in my head anyway.
A different thought would be using boats and giant inflatable containers to catch some of the massive amounts of rain that regularly falls on the Gulf of Mexico and pipelining it west through Texas, New Mexico and Arizona, all of which would appreciate having a large water pipeline. The pipeline would be expensive, but turning all that barren land near the pipeline into something productive should be considered.
A different thought would be cloud manipulation. We have a tiny bit of control of clouds through cloud seeding. We need a lot more. Perhaps we could manipulate the electrical properties of clouds to better control when/where rain/snow falls. A blimp with a series of wires hanging from it to change the charges in the cloud. Rain falls when clouds go up the side of a mountain, so perhaps a plane, pulling a wedge, flying through a cloud could simulate this. To me, cloud manipulation sounds like it would be a good university project.