Budding material in the post?

Many years ago I germinated a few open pollinated hips from ‘Black Velvet’('Black Velvet' Rose) and when I moved overseas I gave the seedlings to my Grandmother who still has one of them today growing on its own roots which she says is a most beautiful healthy HT rose. I have not seen it in about 6 years. I am interested to see how it turned out and was wondering if the transfer of budding material by post has been successful and if so what are some tips for improving my chances of success? Express mail services are available from where she lives on mainland Australia to where I live down in Tasmania and takes about 3 days on a really good run (and a week on a bad one).

Sam McGredy used to send in single envelope the world over his newer roses grafting sticks. With a little wet paper in a plastic bag.

Yes, I’ve budded material from sticks sent in the mail many times. Even a week should be no problem. I’ve had some buds survive after two weeks.

Please check the phytosanitary regulations of your country and what it means for your shipment. If import inspection is required (and it probably is) then this may delay the shipment and so affect the survival of your budding material.


That is why old Sam never declared his envelope content…


I’ve sent bud wood from the US to France and there was succesful grafting on that end. I surrounded the canes in moist paper towels and sealed that in plastic bags. Hope this helps.
