Banksiae as root stock?

Has anyone run across any information about Banksiae being tried as an under stock? I know Fortuniana is often used for Florida and other areas with their type of soil issues and I have VI Fortuniana from Malcolm Manners’ program. I also have a relatively large seedling Banksiae which could provide nearly stock gauge cuttings faster than the Fort. Banksiae roots faster for me and seems to require less heat to kick into gear growing from newly propagated cuttings. I’ve asked Malcolm about it and he knew of no one trying it. His idea was to use Laevigata, but as I HAVE the Banksiae, it grows splendidly here and I can easily root it, I’m curious about any information about its potential use for under stocks. Thanks.

Kim over in China, the rose trees as the call them, are grafted onto Rosa banksiae standards. They use it alot over there.


Thank you, Warren. “Trees” meaning bushes and standards or “trees” as bush-plants?

Kim standards

Thank you! Are their standards the traditional two, three and four foot tall trunks? What do they use to produce bushes? Own root or some other stock? Thank you!