Pretty excited about that colour.
It’s blooming again! Formed a ring of basal branches with small clusters of buds this time. I’m still quite liking it, although the colour isn’t as vibrant. We ARE currently under a heat dome with daytime highs of low 30’s (that’s 90F), so I won’t hold the paler flowers of this round against it.
Question: do I gently dig it out and pot it up now or wait till fall, then take out all the keepers at once?
What does your climate dictate? If you can successfully remove and repot it now without killing it, go for it. That will allow those around it to better mature. If, however, it’s severe there now, it may be better to wait until more favorable conditions for transplanting. That’s why I have always used deep, large tables to raise seedlings in so I could allow them to mature in the tables until conditions were more favorable for successfully transplanting them without loss.
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We are currently in a heat-wave, that threatens to last a week more, with temps in the low 30’s C, which is 90’s F. I don’t dare risk it now, but maybe later on when it’s less like HELL.
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