Attention All Canadian Rose Hybridizers!


(A Celebration Of Canadian Rose Hybridizers)

The Hamilton/Burlington Rose Society is holding this unique rose show at the Royal Botanical Gardens, 680 Plains Road West, Burlington, Ontario.

All are welcome to exhibit roses, with entries restricted to Canadian cultivars, (bred by Canadians in Canada).

Each hybridizer will have there own section in the show with each of their cultivars represented in individual classes within that section. We forcast that most entries will be Agriculture Canada roses, but we expect to see many historic roses from the prairies and many new selections from local hybridizers.

Entries will be received between 7:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Friday, June 20th and from 7:00 a.m. until 10:15 a.m. on Saturday, June 21.

The rose show is open to the public from 1:30 p.m. until 5:30 p.m. Saturday, June 21, and from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Sunday, June 22.

All rose societies are invited to attend with the purpose of selling memberships, and fundraising through the sale of roses and rose related items.

Palatine Fruit and Roses will be attending and selling roses during the show.

The Royal Botanical Gardens will also be holding it


Sounds like a wonderful idea and I hope many amateur hybridizers participate. This is the very thing needed to encourage Canadians to take up rose hybridizing. I would think many visiting the show and seeing the beautiful roses created by fellow Canadian rose growers will be inspired. Who knows if a creative seed will be planted in the mind of some youngster seeing the show which will then bear fruit in future years.

Paul had a thread a few months ago about the paucity of Canadian amateur hybridizers and a long discussion followed. This is a wonderful idea to encourage more people to take up this facet of rose culture. Some of our most cherished roses were created by amateur hybridizers who only introduced less than a handful.


I think one of the major benefits, perhaps at a formal (panel discussion?) and for sure at least an informal level will be the opportunity to discuss where rose breeding should go in Canada and in other cold climates. This is especially important to do, because Agriculture Canada will be no longer continuing rose breeding programs in the near future. It will be then all up to amateur breeders to continue the fine tradition of the development of cold hardy (Zone 3) roses in Canada. Hopefully, the enthusiasm generated at the All Canadian Rose Show will initiate a few people to begin breeding roses and encourage breeders to re-evaluate and step up their breeding programs.

Just a reminder to all the Canadian rose hybridizers in the greater Toronto/Hamilton area that the First All-Canadian Rose Show is being held this weekend, June 21 and 22, 2008.

This is a rose show that has been 2 years in the making.

Please bring your hybrids to the show Saturday morning before 10:30 am. Don’t be concerned if they are unnamed seedlings, we are happy to receive them into the show.

Our success with this show will greatly determine if there is other shows of this kind in the future. Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you, and I hope to see you all there.

Mark Disero (Show Chairman)

Who is planning to attend on Saturday?

I’ll be there. I’m hoping to bring one of my seedlings from last year. I’m also hoping to bring a few explorers.


Okay, I will ask for Liz the hybridizer.


What a wonderful idea; I wish you and all our rose neighbors to the North, a wonderful day and a wonderful show. Wish I could be there just to see all the seedlings and to just chat with other rose lovers. Wishing a successful day and venture for all of you.


On June 21 and 22, 2008, The Hamilton and Burlington Rose Society held The First All-Canadian Rose Show. 28 Exhibitors entered 272 roses representing 30 hybridisers and 125 of their cultivars. This show received more publicity and financial reward than any of our other typical rose shows of the past. I hope that this is inspiration for others to hold All-Canadian or All-American Rose Shows in the same format.

Thank you to all who supported us.

Mark Disero, First All-Canadian Rose Show Chairman

Best in Show

Bob Horlings, for the best Dr.Felicitas Svejda rose,

Sounds like a “giant step” was taken in the right direction. My congratulations to all of you who worked to bring this about and to all who participated. Glad it was a success.


I hope that you will be able to hold another show with a little more advance warning next year.

We would have loved to have attended but our local rose show was that same weekend and we had travel plans for heading West to the ARS National convention in Denver.

Looking forward to next year.

I’m sorry Larry. This was a one time show for the Hamilton and Burlington Rose Society. The next time it will most likely be held will be in 2 or 3 years in Montreal. I’m not sure where you are located, (in Canada or the USA), but I would encourage you to open a dialogue with your society about holding one yourself.

I have submitted a story to the ARS about how the show was accomplished. I hope it is accepted and printed in the near future. I’m always happy to share my advice with anyone who needs it.

Mark Disero