Are infrastipular prickles really modified stipules

I’m really enjoying the fresh look at my roses brought about by your posts here Karl K.
Leafiest stipules by far in my garden is Nigel Hawthorne. The pattern in the pics below is present on most leaves.

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I was deadheading Augusta Luise this morning when I noticed this, which immediately reminded me of the pictures @Karl_K posted in the opening post of this thread.
I hope at least one of the below pictures is clear!

My imaginary analogy of an apical meristem in action resembles a slow moving rocket where the plume of the rocket turns into other slow moving rockets that have plumes that turn into other slow moving rockets…

The trick to generating the structures of the plant is the timing and trajectories of each subsequent generation or rockets.

Since a single cell can only divide into two new cells (and not three or four or five…) the timing and trajectories of all spawned cells have to accommodate that fact which pretty tightly constrains the division patterns that are possible. I usually get out a pencil and paper after the fifth or sixth division and by the tenth I’m crossing my eyes…

Somebody with the right computer skills should be able to come up with reasonable algorithms in the vein of numerical methods to match nature. The fun after that is figuring out how the algorithms get coded in DNA.

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