Air-layering pods

I’ve never used these, but I thought they looked neat

I use to just wrap plastic, but this looks more convient.

I’ve used small drinks bottles or frozen OJ containers taped together for houseplants. i’m trying them for roses this year.

Ads for these have been showing up in my facebook feed. As always, I try not to think about why.

I would like to try these or any air-layering on Hazeldean, Prairie Peace, and Harison’s Yellow.

I use Root Pods that are available on Amazon and from the mfg. They work Excellent. I have been using them for 3 years, though the root ball isnt as big as the one pictured here but the end results have been well worth the money put out and they are reusable.

I wanted to add to this conversation because i am not successful at rooting cuttings. But i did air layer one of my seedlings and shipped it across the US and it was very successful. I live in south carolina and i know the best times of year for air layering are spring and fall, but i did mine in late summer. I bought a bunch of plastic shot glasses and used those. I cut down the side and halfway through the bottom making a hole in the middle of the cup for the stem. I placed it around the wound i made, filled it with moist peat moss, wrapped it in cellophane wrap and taped the ends with electrical tape (above and below the cup). After 1.5 months i had roots! Without unwrapping things i cut underneath the cup and sent it to my parents house where they planted it and it is still alive! If the pods seem too expensive and you want to do a lot of them, this may be more budget friendly.