A very strange difference in size

Today while looking through my seeds I discovered one normaly looking fresh germinated seedling of a batch of R. stellata ‘Mirifica’. Only at a later second look I had noticed the micro mini seedling. It was barely visible. ( pls see Macro photos)

The most striking feature is the extremely small size of the left seedling of photo 1, which I have never observed in this way. I would like to add that Stellata seedlings are not giant anyway and the achenes of this batch are all very similar in size.

Of course, it is in question whether this seedling will continue to be viable and develop.

I assume that haploidy can be excluded in this case? Perhaps this issue is more common with Stellata seedlings and I still lack greater experience with this rose or it is simply a problem of strong mismatching genes.

What do you think about this matter? Many thanks for your comments.


A little update on the progress with the micro-mini seedling: it really is the smallest I’ve ever had. The size also far exceeds the usual range of variation within a cross. The good news: the first leaf has appeared and the comparatively long and thin prickles around are striking.