Further to our discussion about the heritability of the striping factor in roses. Here is a list of cultivars I grow that may be useful in breeding for the trait. People may request pollen from these in as little as four weeks, some others in 6 to 8 weeks.
Stars ‘N’ Stripes
Hurdy Gurdy
Oranges and Lemons
Secret Recipe
Kim Rupert
Moore’s Striped Rugosa
I do have several others, mostly minis, but I don’t list them as I think they are inferior varieties and probably not worth trying as breeders. I also have Rosa Mundi, but who knows if it will pass on its striping? I probably have others that I’m not thinking of at the moment.
This is so nice of you Paul. I would be very interested in receiving some pollen from you. Thank you. I’m really looking forward to this season’s rose breeding. By this time next year perhaps we will have many people here with a great variety of striped roses to show. That would be grand.
Paul, what has been your Oranges and Lemons experience? I keep wanting to try it with climbers, but the closeness to New Year makes me worry about disease issues in seedlings.
I haven’t actually used ‘Oranges and Lemons’ in breeding, but knowing that its a Sam McGredy rose instills confidence that it can be coaxed into breeding something worthwhile. McGredy roses generally have superb vigor and good shrub habit.
As for disease resistance and breeding, I feel that most modern roses of the past 100 years, with a few noteworthy exceptions, have disease issues that will have to be overcome in breeding. It has been overlooked in Floribunda nd HT breeding for ages because it was always assumed that gardeners would simply refer to their arsenal of fungicides to deal with the problem. A paradigm shift is taking place and I feel a need to work towards the new chemical free gardening ideal. The results won’t always be perfect, nor suitable for all climates, but at least I can work in the right direction.
hi paul, i have george burns any idea if the pollen is good?. or as a mother plant?. also 1 seed is showing a root from sequoia ruby x guinee. i’m waiting for the rest to pop!. thanks again. pat.
Well then, Paul, I guess it is never too late to tr Salita x Oranges and Lemons
btw, I saw on hmf that someone successfully used Candle in the Wind. It is a very odd striped rose. It has the architecture of a landscape rose. It has the blooms of a single floribunda, and it has reminiscent miniature qualities like pointy leaves and random hooked thorns. The color is orange striped burnth red-orange, kinda…
I am definitely sure it descends from The Phantom, but I know nothing else other than it is a good grower and loves to grab my work jacket a lot when I pass by
I am unsure of what to cross it with, but I am leaning towards Carefree Marvel. It’d be probably good to try on Electric Blanket, too.
Patrick, I’ve got George Burns here. I haven’t used it for breeding yet but I have to say, it’s probably the most robust of the modern roses in my garden. Never had it set its own hips, though.
George Burns was one of the first roses I ever grew. I planted it in high school. Mainly because the picture in the cataloged told me I had to have it. The flowers do fade quite a bit. The plant has thorns that are pure evil however. The plant has nice vigor and staying power. I went back this past summer to vistit a few people I know. It a few miniatures and Celcil brunner are the only ones that have survived the negleck of the new owners. It looked like they never water and they certainly never weed. I think the weeds helped some of the miniatures by shading them in the hot alley bed. When I do have more room again I will probably get this one again more for sentamental value than to work with. But I do like the vigor of this one.
I have about 17 seedlings from George Burns X OP seeds growing under lights right now. I got the hips from a very nice lady in the neighborhood that owns the plant, she said that it sets hips every year and she did not know that there were seeds inside them, so I proceeded to tell her the whole story of rose breeding, she was pleasantly surprised at the whole concept and in the meanwhile we became friends. She said that I may come and use pollen on the blooms this spring. Very nice lady she is.
Paul, I wanted to e-mail you but that function is not working here at RHA, I then tried through GardenWeb and I don’t think that worked either. Is there a way I can write to you, I have a question about one of your roses.
I have seen ‘Moore’s Striped Rugosa’ produce an occasional seed, although I have made no attempt to germinate them. I’d say odds are good that it has pollen fertility also.
I came across a reference (link, below) concerning the mode of inheritance of stripes in roses. Actually, the snippet describes stripes as being due to highly active transposons present in the genome of, specifically, Rosa Mundi. By inference, these transposons are heritable. They are apparently so active that they move about frequently during bud development resulting in the phenomenon of strips.
Unfortunately, the authors omitted footnotes so if anyone has references to the primary literature on transposons in roses perhaps you could share them with us.
‘They are apparently so active that they move about frequently during bud development resulting in the phenomenon of strips.’
Do you think these mobile transposon could also affect pigmentation in other structures such as foliage? This is a new season leaf on a striped rose I have called ‘Maurice Utrillo’:
It is not yet spring here and is cool, but not cold. Leaves produced later in the year, in warmer weather, do not have this variegation. Mature leaves also do not have this variegation. Have you ever seen anything like this before?
What does this mean Don? ‘They are apparently so active that they move about frequently during bud development resulting in the phenomenon of strips.’
Transposons are bits of DNA that move about on the chromosome from generation to generation (one mitosis to the next) within a given cell lineage. If the bit of DNA has a particular nucleic acid sequence and lands in a particular region it can act as a switch, turning transcription of that region on and off. If the region of DNA switched is responsible for, say, anthocyanin synthesis then the result is a pattern of variagation.
Do you think these mobile transposon could also affect pigmentation in other structures such as foliage?
Sure. It was partly by counting colored kernals in corn (Z. maize) that transposons were discovered.
Have you ever seen anything like this before?
Not that I realized. It looks like you are on to something. In that vein a strategy of breeding with cultivars that exhibit strong tendencies toward transposition might be fruitful. Ophelia comes to mind.
The photo above is the top of the leaf. I just rescanned the underside of the same leaf. None of my other striped roses (I only have a few: ‘Stars n Stripes’, ‘Papageno’, ‘Soaring Spiritis’, and ‘Paul Cezanne’) show this tendency for me here.