2004 Seedlings

Just posted the best of my 2004 seedlings so far. I’m particularly excited about three healthy seedlings, “Laika” which is an Angel Face seedling with intense scent and nice form, “Lady Belsham” which is quite unusual with green outer petals, and “Madam Bouvier”, which has inherited her dad’s (The McCartney Rose) scent and glows like silk. Of course, these seedlings are quite young so some change is inevitable. Fingers crossed that they’ll keep their good traits!

Link: home.earthlink.net/~judsinger/JudesHybridizedRosePage2004.htm

Beautiful… especially that op Sonia… love the english look.

My new seedlings aren’t blooming yet, and last year seedlings are making buds. The best one is Sutter’s Gold x Renae because of the heavy fragrance. Blooms a lot, but unwilling to grow. Color is a deep pink, almost cerise. Not the color I had in mind, but it’s thornless and fragrant-- good enough for me. Pics coming up soon…

Thank you Enrique, and I’m looking forward to seeing yours and everyone else’s pictures of their ‘offspring’ from this year. I’m wondering if the OP Sonia was the result of pollen from Brass Band which is next to it and intertwining. I guess until DNA testing becomes dime-store commonplace, we’ll never know answers to questions like that. A little DNA pocket analyzer - wouldn’t that be great?

They look great! My favorite is Laika because of its form, fragrance, and unusual color.

This is probably the best of my 2004 seedlings so far. It is from the cross Secret X Gold Medal and is healthy and fragrant. This was its second bloom which opened last month. It has a huge bud on it right now.

Oh, Jim, that’s gorgeous! It looks like a delicate version of Peace. Lots of petals and good form. Does it have scent?

Yes, it has a moderate fragrance.

I know I told you before and I still feel the same, that’s a beautiful rose and you should be very proud of it. I like it a lot!

Judy I love your seedlings and your webpage is great. Thanks for sharing them with us.


Thanks, John. It’s nice to have people to share them with… and nice mentors like you!

Thanks, John!

I have probably learned as much from you, Jim, as you have from me. I hope you, Judy, Michellynn, and the other Stigma Beta’s keep up the good work you have been doing. It’s really exciting to see such beautiful roses coming from you guys. I can’t wait to add some of them to my garden.

Here is one of my newer seedlings. It is a yellow mini. What I like about it, is that it appears so clean and blooms lots. It is a cross of: {‘Halo Today’ X [‘Geisha’ X (‘Tobo’ X ‘Singin’ in the Rain’)]}X ‘Baby Love’.

I am still amazed at how reliably ‘Baby Love’ transmits excellent powdery mildew resistance. The last 2 years I have crossed it with everything. This year I have been using mainly F1 seedlings of it. I think that there will be more possibilities of color and form in the next generation.

I will post a few more as I get them uploaded.


Link: home.earthlink.net/~rosesbydesign/H21-1orE5-9BLyellowmini.htm

This is another unusual seedling that I am excited about. It is a cross of (‘Lynn Anderson’ X ‘Tournament of Roses’) X ‘Hot Tamale’. It is more of a brown color and is miniflora size. Form and cleanliness seem to be good.


Delicious color, Jim! How old is the seedling?

Great color and form!

Thank you.

The seedling is about 4 months old. The color does not come through with my camera. It is definitely a carmel colored rose and not orange. It is something like a smaller version of my ‘Honey Dijon’, but I think it has better form.


It does have great form. Post more when you can.

Jim S, wow! That is a gorgeous color (although I am referring to the orangey screen color), and the form is really looking great! Yet another impressive seedling! I’ve seen the photos of Honey Dijon on Week’s website (congratulations again on that one!) and I can’t wait to get my hands on that one. So if the color on this seedling is similar, I would be I would still say the color is gorgeous.

Jim T, in scrolling through the thread I saw your photo again of the Secret x GM. I had the same reaction this time as I did the first time I saw…something of a little gasp. Awesome coloring combined with beauitufl form and petal edges with a slight frill (love that type!). That is probably one of my favorite seedlings I have seen this year, and I’m including my own in that group (which naturally I should be more biased to like my own better! Not being arrogant, just think people tend to like their own creations simply because they are their own… LOL )…but in this case, I would rank this one tops. Really beautiful!!

Jude, I think I love your Laika and Madame Bouvier the best so far this year. Laika has those mauve tones I am so fond of and really attractive overall appearance to it. Let me know when you get someone to market that one…I’ll get it on my order list then ASAP! :astonished:)

Thanks, Michelle. I hope you get your website up and running soon so those who haven’t yet seen your beauties from this year can drool over them. You’ve hybridized some very, very nice roses, kiddo!

I agree with you about Laika and Madame Bouvier. I also have big hopes for the pure orange Sonia seedling. All three of those have been outstanding performers in the >100 degree heat here. I do have a few nurseries that have expressed interest, however, they do not bud roses, but sell them own root, and I’m thinking budding will be essential to get enough plants for the 2006 convention.

I guess this can be a formal announcement as I’m quite excited about this honor - one of my seedlings will be introduced and will be the official “2006 Pacific Southwest Convention Rose.” That’s why I’ll have to have at least 50 grafted and ready by then. Heavens knows how I will do it, but it’s such an honor, I must find a way! Anyone with any ideas on this, please, please let me know.