Your local challenges

Thanks for the positive and enquirying comments. The rose carries the desrirable characteristic I was only dreaming of when I had crossed (

Thank you Terry! Quite impressive both in stats and visually. Should you wish to see what it would do where the inland valley heat collides with the coastal marine influence, I’m game to root or bud some. Kim

The RHA site seems not to recognize any email addresses. I have never gotten an email that was sent by someone clicking the link next to the “posted by” name. And the email addy that RHA has for me is correct – I checked that long ago.

I have sent emails via the link to the right of the name and they were never received; I gave up months ago. Now when someone lists their email address, I copy it into my email address list on my computer. Actually, I think it would be nice if we had all the addresses (at least town and state and the email printed in the quarterly bulletin at least once a year). Since it is in the bulletin it would be available to members only. Usually new members email addresses and local addresses are added to the printed bulletins but they are just names to me. I know nothing about them. It is not til they have been active on the forum or written a number of articles that I feel that I know them rose-wise anyway and then it is too late. I forget where they live and certainly have no email address available. Of course, the regulars on here one gets to know and learn where they are from which helps when they are describing what works and does not work for them.
