Jadae, health should be pretty good.
Tiny blossoms like this often produce a lot of pollen which makes them easy and fun to use for shrinking large ramblers.
That’s how I use them.
Jadae, health should be pretty good.
Tiny blossoms like this often produce a lot of pollen which makes them easy and fun to use for shrinking large ramblers.
That’s how I use them.
Pretty excited about this one It’s a new near species seedling just appeared here
OP seed from Viru from his plant of ‘The Rose of the 10,000 Camellia Monastery, Li Jang’ plant (very similar to ‘Ten Thousand Lights’ only more red). Believed to be an ancient hybrid of R. chinensis.
That last one is especially pretty Robert!
I have a new listing on HMF for one of my own hybrids using one of Kim Rupert’s R. fedtschenkoana hybrids. See link.
This looks to be the best of the stuff derived from fed. so far Paul. It will be interesting to find whther this one carries a gene for repeat.
Out of damascena bifera, I got both non-remontant and remontant seedlings.
The remontant one’s repeat but only sparingly. There is never a large quantity of blossoms and they prickly.
I don’t think the non-remontant one is going to blossom at all this season. It shows a strong affinity to the pollen parent.
The remontant one I kept formed a couple of hips last season. I sent the seed to Don Holeman. I’ve probably missed the window to use it this season for hybridizing.
A big tick for the color saturation of that one, Paul!
Sweet, Paul.
Looks like you’ve already headed in the direction I was hoping to head! Very nice.
Now which one of your interesting seedlings might you add to the R.fedt. mix… Hmmmm…
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for remontancy. (I hadn’t anticipated it would be elusive in the R. fedt. lines!)
I should have posted the image in the thread, sorry!
It is entirely possible that these hybrids will have some degree of remontancy, since Kim’s hybrid does rebloom sporadically all season. It might not manifest itself this year, but who knows. I’m hoping it starts to produce some later flushes. That would make it much more valuable to me.
Beautiful photo too!
Paul… how did you determine it was tetraploid?
I’m only surmising based on its pedigree: tetraploid X (tetraploid X tetraploid) Seems likely, doesn’t it?
I guess so… HMF doesn’t mention ‘Orangeade X R. Fedtschenkoana’ is tetraploid.
What I mean… when I trace back… ‘Orangeade’ isn’t listed as tetraploid either.
I think it isn’t listed because it is assumed that it is 4X. That is probably a reasonable assumption.
This is the seedling I posted above now from OP ‘10,000 Camellias Red China Rose’ seed. It’s grown all through the winter and remained evergreen. So far it’s clean and is 20-30cm tall now. It’s about to flower too with a bit under a month of winter left and night temps still down to -1. (it’s growing outside now):
Searching old threads, came across this one and following a link I found Robert posted some new photos of his IHTXHER cross today.
Looking very nice, Robert.
(Link to Robert’s img on helpmefind)