Roselina pollen fertility


Does anyone know is the Roselina (The Fairy × Seedling) pollen fertile?

That’s a good question. I got Roselina this spring and haven’t used it yet in any crosses, so I don’t know how fertile it’s pollen is. But my experience with roses of this wide of a cross is that they have little to no fertility. I tried Pax Apollo pollen on several different roses but nothing took. And when I looked at it’s pollen under a microscope it wasn’t vialble, it was all junk. I also tried Catherine Guelda pollen on a couple of roses. It didn’t take last year on my (Showy Pavement x R.blanda) so I looked at it’s pollen under the microscope as well. It had lots of non viable pollen, but there also was enough viable pollen that I decided to give it a try on Metis and and now there are hips that have formed and ready to be picked. I also have a (Marie Pavie x R.blanda) that I’ve tried on 9 or 10 roses but it only took on (Showy Pavement x R.blanda). It’s interesting to note that Catherine Guelda and Metis are half siblings and so are (MPxRb) and (SHxRb). So that may be key to using Roselina pollen, trying it on another The Fairy offspring.

I have been looking at this one on HMF for a bit myself. I noticed in one picture the leaves are covered in spots.

How is health for you Paul?

That is pretty scary, luckily mine doesn’t have any black spot on it. But it’s been a mild year here for black spot, which is surprising because it was so wet during May and June. Spot anthracnose usually is a bigger problem here than BS is and there are some spots on it but not many.

Thanks Paul.

I must try and see if it works.
Black spot is not a problem here in North Finland. I am interested in this rose because it’s background (Fairy x rugosa). And it is also a quite winter hardy and very good continuous bloomer.

Here is some Roselina pictures on Finnish Rose Society page:

The interesting thing about the picture to which Rob linked is that there is no yellowing around the spots and the leaves have not fallen off. Similar to what some gallica hybrids do.

Hardy, continuous bloom, interesting genetics, spot resistance…not ANOTHER rose I have to get! :slight_smile:

It would be interesting to try it in borderline alkaline soil to see if there is chlorosis.