Other Yellows

Well from what you’ve told me Gold Medal is consideded a

deep yellow and a good parent.

Any opinions on these two yellows?:

Gina Lollobrigida (Hybrid Tea)

Gold Badge (Floribunda)

Gina supposedly has a high petal count, but its flowers are smaller than Gold Medal

The catalog I’m glancing at doesn’t list a petal count for Gold Badge.


Chris Mauchline

I haven’t tried either one. Gina Lollobrigida is too new to have a track record as a parent. Gold Badge has been successfully used by Ralph Moore and others, mostly to breed minis.

Gold Badge is a very good parent, well worth working with.


Gold Badge is pretty good, just watch the blackspot.It has produced at least one AARS winner (Brass Band) so it’s value is obvious.