New rooting chemical

Title: Aphroproteins - new proteins with chitinase activity and their application in agricultural and decorative plant-growing.

Authors: Maksyutova, Nailya N.; Viktorova, Larisa V.

Authors affiliation: Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics KSC RAS, Kazan, Russia.

Published in: Advances in Chitin Science (2002), 6 , pages 137-140.

Abstract: “The chitinase activity of and their possible application to agricultural and decorative plant-growing were studied. The chitinase activity was detected by applying 10 ml of aphroproteins to the surface of a 0.6% agarose gel contg. the corresponding substrate (glycol chitin) at a concn. of 2 mg/mL. The growth-stimulating properties of aphroproteins was studied on flower culture, specifically on hard deep-rooted plants as cultural varieties of roses. The aphroproteins increased the rootage of rose grafts by three times due to the rapid and powerful development of root system, while the classical growth stimulator indol 3-acetic acid increased the rootage only by two times. The chitinase activity of aphroproteins accounts for the inhibition of growth of phytopathogenic fungi. Chitinase may degrade chitin of the fungal cell walls, thus inhibiting the growth of parasitic phytopathogenic fungi.”

I put the word “aphroproteins” into Google and found that it appears that the Russians have mainly done the research so far.
