My winter-spring 2000 germination information

The winter-spring of 2000 I kept a record of what germinated when and what enzyme treatment was used and for how long. The list is presented backwards - May first and January last.



What is your aftercare after the soak?

Do you rinse the seeds?

Do the cold-stratify at any point?

Looks like the Bromelain (where do you obtain this?)

can certainly speed up initial germination.

Chris Mauchline

My method is described at:

The mode of action of Bromelain has not yet been determined. It is not a cellulose dissolving enzyme but a protein dissolving enzyme. My “hunch” is that it attacks the “glue” or “cement” that holds the 2 halfs of the seed shell together.

The following is something I posted in 1995:

Date: 1995/03/30

Last Fall I soaked all of my rose seeds in enzyme solutions to help dissolve the seed coat. Not all of the seeds responded with rapid germination (in fact many did not). So I decided to try another experiment. I divided one particularly large batch of seed into 5 batches. One batch I did nothing additional to- it still has not had any germination. One batch I stored on a polyester mat (instead of the coffee filter) that was saturated with Drain Care enzyme (the seeds were in contact continuously with the enzyme)- zero germination . One batch was stored on a polyester mat that was saturated with Bromelain digestive enzyme- many, many germinations. Two batches were give addition 24 hour soaks, one was soaked in Drain Care and one was soaked in Bromelain. They were then rinsed and placed on wet coffee filters in loosely covered plastic containers- many germinations.

The conclusions so far are: the second soak with a cellulose dissolving enzyme is sometimes needed but continuous exposure to enzyme will kill the seed. The more important finding is that the Bromelain (a protein digesting enzyme) helps germination but does not appear to threaten the actual seed.



What a nice suprise to see you got seeds from two Hansa crosses with tetraploids.

A few years back I worked a lot with Hansa and Tetraploid roses, specifically Oz Gold and Ferdinand Pichard. I know I sent rooted cuttings and seeds of these two to Bob Byrnes and someone else, possibly you?

Either way I am really tickled to see on your list Hansa x Ferdinand Pichard and Hansa x Oz Gold. Were these seeds I sent you or were they actually from plants you had?

I would be most interested to find out how the seedlings turned out. My seedlings from Hansa x Ferd did result in a few striped hybrids but they had poor bloom quality and were totally sterile for me. I did get one nice seedling from Hansa x Oz Gold with beautiful double hot pink blooms. Sadly it is also sterile.


Randy those were seeds that I got from you. I cannot tell you much about the seedlings, as I do not keep detailed records. I would of noticed a striped seedling so I guess none had stripes. I seem to remember that a Hansa X Oz Gold was a small plant, but that is just a “seem to remember”.

Did you notice from the “First Sprouts of the Year” thread

that today I got a (Calocarpa X Nutkana) X (tetraploid? (acicularis X OP)) germination. The (Calocarpa X Nutkana) was from seeds that you sent me. Since Calocarpa would have given 7 chromosomes and Nutkana 21, (Calocarpa X Nutkana) should be a tetraploid; and if my suspicion that my acicularis is a tetraploid; then this new seedling should also be a tetraploid.

This year I got the following hips on the possible tetraploid acicularis plant:

2 hips of (Tetraploid? (Acicularis X OP)) X (Hansa X OP)

3 hips of (Tetraploid? (Acicularis X OP)) X R-15

And the pollen produced:

1 hip (Hansa X OP) X (Tetraploid? (Acicularis X OP))

1 hip (Calcocarpa X R. Nutkana) X (Tetraploid? (Acicularis X OP))


1 hip (Corylus X OP) X (Tetraploid? (Acicularis X OP))

Henry, That’s great you got hips from Calocarpa x r.nutkana!With a few good tetraploid selections that contain hardy, disease resistant genes from diploid species a breeder might infuse badly needed new blood into popular cultivars.

The two seedlings I kept from that cross have yet to bear a hip but I’ve used pollen from them with some success with I think Tropcicana and Wenlock as seed parents. None have been repeaters and all have rather poor blooms but some have set op hips.

After seeing all the differing opinions on “Breeder’s Rights” I can only say that I’m happy to have shared what little I have and would be more than satisfied to hear of anyone’s good fortune using something I contributed. I think the difference in opinion relates to the “amateur” aspect of my efforts. Folks Like Paul and others I’m sure invest way more time and research into their programs and as such expect more in return, and rightfully so. I enjoy my hybridizing in a strictly amateur way yet at the same time I do have serious hope that someday I might produce something worthwhile that could could benefit other, more serious breeders or maybe even make it to market.

If it weren’t for generous folks like you and David (and many others) when I was beginning I’m not sure I would have had enough success to keep myself interested.

Thankyou for the news.
