Moore roses 'Playgold' and 'Robi'

Out of curiosity, has anyone grown the Ralph Moore minis ‘Playgold’ or ‘Robi’ and could you comment on their suitability as seed parents.

Playgold is currently being used for breeding at Sequoia Nursery, but only as a pollen parent. This doesn’t necessarily mean it doesn’t work as a seed parent, but that they have chosen to use its pollen on known seed parents.


I received Playgold last year from Sequoia. I didn’t use it much, since it was new, but it did set seed with all of the pollens that I usually use to test the female fertility of a rose: R. spinosissima ‘Altaica,’ R. pendulina, and R. virginiana ‘Harvest Song.’ My record that would tell me how many seeds there were are at home, unfortunately. I harvested the hips too late to expect much information on germination at this time.