J5 from AgCan

“J5” is an orange/yellow hybrid Spinosissima derived from ‘Hazeldean’, from AgCan. It was used in the Morden rose breeding program. One of the most notable of these is ‘Morden Sunrise’, a very hardy small yellow shrub.

Paul Zimmerman sent me his specimen of “J5” last Spring and I have succeeded in rooting one cutting (out of four). Assuming it establishes itself, I am willing to share this plant with someone who wishes to make good use of it in their breeding program. I will consider requests for this plant.

Paul B.

Link: www.helpmefind.com/rose/l.php?l=1.54375&tab=1

Here here, assuming it isn’t spoken for.

You’re the first, Robert, so it goes to you. It has just been potted up so I will give it 4-6 weeks to settle in before I send it down to you. :slight_smile:


Can I be on the waiting list for your next round, Paul?

Hi Betsy,

I can’t very easily maintain a waiting list for such things, but if you want to remind me again in say, October, I will probably attempt another round of cuttings.

Amazingly hardy! Best luck Robert!

Thanks Paul. I’ve got a number of yellows derived from hardy sources already. Having another option for instilling yet hardier genes will be a welcome option.

I forgot to mention it would be nice if we could update HMF regarding lineage of J5, if possible.

Link: www.helpmefind.com/gardening/l.php?l=2.3439

The link Paul has under his has a lineage.

Paul and Paul I have to commend you on your further generosity. You and others have been protecting our great genetic heritage that we have inherited from others. It would be a shame if in the future these roses would disappear for ever. Jut for history shake this is an important rose and that says nothing about the value genetically.

Thanks, Paul, I’ll do that. I didn’t think you kept an actual list, even if you are a bit of a Santa Claus for lots of rose-loving boys and girls.

Looks like a listing merge is in order. I didn’t bother using Paul’s link. I did a search. Thanks