Fertile Triploids Breed Truer to Type?

Since a visitor moved some protective gear in the yard, resulting in roughly half of my anticipated seed crop being eaten overnight, I figured I’d document these without further delay. The area’s been having weird weather in a number of ways, but I’d also never bothered to try pollinating Mme Hardy before, so I’m not sure what to credit.

I try not to get too excited when the hips are still growing, but seedlings from ‘Mme Hardy’ would be well worth a look.
Best of luck.


Are there cuttings available from Ralph’s Soulieana?

Hi Rob, I’ve sent the first plant to a friend in Tennessee who is propagating obscure roses to spread around. I will email you her email. The second, I sent to Jonathan Windham at Clemson who is building a species garden with the idea of making them available to those who request them. Jonathan is a newer member here. The final plant I sent to Jim Turner who received it via USPS about an hour ago according to the tracking information. Paul Barden may be propagating more of it, at least that is what he said he was considering. I didn’t retain one myself because I need to reduce the mass of canned material in back so fence repairs, tree removal, window replacements and yard grading can be accomplished. But, I tried to insure they would be more easily spread around. I’ll get Susan’s email off to you now and send her one alerting her someone wants a piece.

Thank you Kim. It’s appreciated. BTW, I have hips that look to be taking on Golden Angel x R. soulieana. Very exciting stuff. :slight_smile:

Great! Congratulations! I’ve never had hips set before on it until it was defoliated by downy. Now it’s fully leafed out again and the flowers at the time have set hips! It’s also starting to flower again.