Does anyone know anything re:

Isn’t marketing all about psychology? I did check the flowers for a scent last night when I got home and it smelled like black pepper. How do you market that? But that might be why it is so pest and disease (at least pest)resistant as it indicates on the Australian trial site. (Simon, thanks for posting that!)

Hi Jackie,

You mentioned that ‘Peach Drift’ sets hips and germinates. Do you know approximate germination rate? At least 25%? I will be using it this year, but not sure whether I should just use it as a pollen parent.

I will also be using ‘Apricot Drift’ - anyone have experience with it as a pollen or seed parent?


Jim Sproul

Hi Jim,

I used way to small a number to extrapolate anything. I know I used maybe 10-12 OP hips, and they had only 1-2 seeds each, maybe 3. I got somewhere around 5-6 seedlings the first year. Most of them were very small, possibly miniature. I believe I kept two to the bloom stage, and both had flowers very similar to the parent. The foliage was very attractive, and my daughter who never notices anything much beyond the flowers actually remarked on the fact that the plant looked so “cute”, especially the leaves. I did have a positive response to the plant in general, and now may consider using it to ‘tame’ some big ones.


Thank you Jackie!

I think I’ll put more questions about these in another post with them in the subject line.