Alain Blanchard

Yes I am in love with a rose


Hmmm! Very, very interesting. I’ve been crossing FMM with all kinds of moderns, it will be interesting to see if those spots behave in the same way.

Paul, did you ever try using Marlena in those crosses?

Or, even Evelyn Fison. Look what she (presumably) passed on through Glad Tidings. Nothing out of GT for me has ever spotted like this.

@ those who have done this, what would ya recommend the optimal temperature for OP AB seed might be for their cold stratification, and how long should this cold stratification be done for (e.g. 3 months ??)

(…will be using zip lock baggy + damp peat moss method…)

As these OP hips are from a very mild climate (nowhere near the bitter cold of northern USA / Canada) does this mean I should keep them in a warmer stratification, or does this not matter?

Thanks, Kim. That is what I meant – I was tired when I wrote that =/

“Paul, did you ever try using Marlena in those crosses?”

Nope, never even seen it, nor ‘Evelyn Fison’. I once got a spotted seedling from one of the old Chinas Carolyn used to sell, but I’ll be damned if I can remember its name. Looks a lot like Old Blush, but isn’t quite…

One of the McGredy reds of yesteryear are at Washington Park. It was actually pretty.

From looking at the lineage, I am guessing it all wouldnt be possible without Our Princess. It seems quite different, as a red, than the rest.

‘Lilli Marleen’ is one of its parents and I actually prefer it to ‘Marlena’. It’s far healthier here than ‘Marlena’. I don’t grow ‘Marlena’ but there is a large mass planting of it in Burnie, NW Tasmania at Burnie Park Rose Gardens, and it always looks sad. I grew ‘Lilli Marleen’ here for a few years before the poorly judged jab of a spade ended its life accidently. I’ll be buying it again though as I think it still has more to offer from a breeding POV. Another red that has piqued my interest is ‘François Rabelais’, which is also a ‘Lilli Marlene’ offspring. I just love the red and the shape of its blooms. It’[s probably no good for breeding itself but it is why I’m going back to ‘Lilli Marlene’ (though I’d love to grow ‘François Rabelais’… available from Magic Garden Roses who don’t send roses to Tasmania :frowning: ).

FR wont bloom here. It urns brick red, wont open… and then rots off lol.

I am going to try Trumpeter x Miracle in the Hudson this year to see if I can repeat something like you stated above, yet it something healthier.

Nice! ‘Trumpeter’ looks interesting…

It is bred from Maxi and has a ton of all 3 types of reds in it (cyanin, peonin, palragonidin), which I think increases its potential as a breeder. It is difficult to combine all of those color bases with health. In relation to thread, I am not sure it is possible to get spotting from moderns, as Paul’s efforts imply. However, if it is, I imagine this would be the sort of route to suspect to work.

Have any gallica actually been shown to repeat flower (e.g. everblooming sports)?

I don’t know… but ‘Tuscany Superb’ is meant to have played a parental part in ‘News’ which is meant to repeat. I have ‘News’ on order this year to try out so have no further insight into how it goes.

Not that I am aware of, but Im not an OGR buff.

I did note one thing though – all of the miniature OGR’s I saw at Heirlooms this year had a lot in common with my Rosa canina x Rosa multiflora hybrid in all of their architecture. A lot of OGR roses, specifically Alba and Centrifolia are derived from Rosa canina (and Rosa gallica). I think it is from Rosa canina that the odd dwarfing trait appears. It is almost like it is the Synstylae ugly duckling that was placed into the Caninae section, as it has a lot in common with Synstylae types, specifically the dwarfing trait. Repeat blooming though? I have no clue.

FWIW, News was bred from the extremely odd rose, Lilac Charm.

Odd=interesting :wink:… with a healthy dose of R. californica in it not too far back too which was part of the appeal…

Was thinking…Austin has gallica in his lines, maybe there is an Austin (i.e modern + gallica ancestry) that might allow the AB spotting through?

I wonder if Austin messed with AB, ever?

Michael, you mentioned good things about Jubilee Celebration (AUShunter) like a year or two ago… I can confirm that in my location it has good BS tolerance and seems to set hips (with intentional crosses) very easily… have not got to germinating them yet, hips are still green on the bush - very late pollinations.